

与她交谈时并没有发现任何的不妥,渐渐地一丝丝的愁感在你毫无防备之下犹如波浪般迎面而来,转瞬间,让你处于不知所措,哑口无言之中。是的,是我本人的问题,是我自己太善忘了。[[男人来自火星女人来自金星]]曾经提到女人就像波浪般,感觉好时,她抵达浪峰,情绪低时,便跌落波底。如果你身边的女性朋友有心事,需要找人诉苦,你就借用你的耳朵尽心尽意地倾听她的心事吧。但请你牢记,千万别自作聪明,急于给予解决问题的方案或办法,认为自己是在解决她的烦恼,反而是在背道而行,将会有反弹的效果。"I know what you try to tell me, but i already boring listen to it!", 就那么的一句话,我顿时呆住了,不知该如何回答。。。。。唯有回于最简洁的答复。我想,静静的聆听将会是当时最好的沟通吧!

2 条评论:

PiggY 说...

Sorry about that if you are referring to me. =P

I don't mean to say that I am boring to hear what you are trying to tell me, but I have heard too much theory that I don't know how to apply in life.

I guess I am just too tired and a bit LOST....

Need some rest both physically and mentally.

Anyway, I want to thank you for lending your ears to listen to all my problems. :)

But you are right, normally girls just need someone to listen to her, not to solve her problem, coz 解铃还需系铃人...

Cruelness of LIFE...

lcoon81 说...

err.....dunno waht to say, better listen only.